About Us
CCACH Vision and Mission
The Council of Canadians of African and Caribbean Heritage (CCACH) exists to undertake and support activities to enhance the social, economic and educational life of the African and Caribbean heritage communities.
Established in 1985
Council of Canadians of African and Caribbean Heritage (CCACH) has been in existence since January 1985 and was previously known as the Council of Black Organizations (CBO).
The organization was formed when African Canadians (Black Edmontonians) of Edmonton, AB, decided that there was a need for a united voice in the community to speak on their behalf. At that time, 25 organizations, mainly Caribbean societies, came together and the CBO was born to address issues of common concern.
In January 1996, the name of the organization was changed to Council of Canadians of African and Caribbean Heritage (CCACH). This change reflected CCACH’s preference to organize and identify as nationalities and not as racial groupings.
For more than 30 years, CCACH’s membership base consists of affiliate organizations and individuals contributing volunteer time, talent and financial resources to keep the organization vibrant. CCACH aims to support and collaborate with other African and Caribbean heritage communities that share similar values. CCACH also provides services to members of our community regardless of age, sex, gender, race, religion, socioeconomic status, national or ethnic origin;
Over the last 10 years, CCACH has focused its efforts on undertaking and supporting activities that enhance the social, economic and educational life of the African and Caribbean heritage communities within Canada. CCACH promotes an understanding of the benefits of cultural diversity as an integral component of Canadian life, and increase awareness of our participation in and contribution to society.

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Only $15 CAD per year.
*some programs may require additional charges.