Do you need a tutor?
(The 2024/2025 session is ongoing)
For CCACH members, please sign in to your account and register for tutoring. Non-CCACH members, please register below to become a member and access the tutoring services.
Registration Video Guide: Watch, Learn, and click on the link below to begin.
Become a Tutor and Mentor
If you are knowledgeable in any subject area and eager to share that knowledge, join our team of dedicated tutors and mentors.
For questions, please contact info@ccach.org
About the Tutoring Program
Every Saturday morning from October to June, CCACH offers one-on-one academic tutoring for students grades 1-12 to help them with course materials they are having challenges with, or to help them advance in the upcoming school curriculum. In addition to strengthening academic skills, improving marks and test scores, the CCACH Tutoring Program also helps increase confidence in school and connect with a mentor who understands what being a student of African or Caribbean descent feels like.
Highly skilled and trained tutors have one-on-one sessions for one hour (60 minutes) with students. The tutoring sessions take place at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre at 9538 107 Ave (old McCauley school). The one-hour tutoring sessions start at 12pm-3pm in person. Sessions available are every Saturday during the academic year (except holiday weekends).
CCACH Tutoring program has been running since 1999. Over 800 students have accessed the program since then. Most of our students go on to University and some return as tutors in the program. Program tutors are students from the University of Alberta, NAIT or MacEwan University and/or have a shared experience as CCACH students.
In-Person Location
Edmonton Intercultural Centre
9538 107 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta

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Get access to AfroQuiz, *tutoring, and other programs and services.
Only $15 CAD per year.
*some programs may requires additional charges