Spark Your Learning is a community service initiative done in collaboration with #RisingYouth, TakingItGlobal, Canada Service Corps, the Canadian Council of African and Caribbean Heritage (CCACH), and the Edmonton Public Library (EPL).
Our goal is to have you walk away inspired to pursue your future goals and with the resources to do so.
- The interactive panel and Q&A features five high-achieving lifelong learners who will share how they navigated learning and productivity.
- The vision board workshop will entail a walk-through on how to effectively make one, as well as stationary and materials for you to make your own! (Yes, you can take these home with you!)
- The goal-setting workshop will be an interactive presentation in which you will be taught how to effectively set SMART goals, as well as how to use a bullet journal. All attendees will be provdied with bullet journal of their own so they can follow along. (And yes, you can take these home with you too!) Bullet journals are very effective tools when planning your personal life goals as they are 100% customizable!
We hope to see you there!